Hat Head Community Garden is a way to engage locals into a project to learn and grow produce.
The group was lucky enough to receive a grant from Kempsey Shire Council to enable the of purchase timber, fittings and soil to construct four large raised garden beds in the local park.
The Department of Corrective Services constructed the beds - it would never have happened without their labour and expertise!
The garden group aims to get locals gardening and forming new friendships along the way.
Experienced gardeners can pass on their gardening expertise and tips on how to improve soils, making compost and what vegetables and herbs to grow in Hat Head's climate.
To be a community asset, somewhere people can meet and socialize while enjoying the garden.
The group meets on a Saturday afternoon between 3pm and 5pm.
A watering system for the garden was installed in 2024.
The group has received great support from our Caravan Park, Hat Head Bowling Club and Bunnings.
Kinchela Primary School has made a great scarecrow dressed in school uniform.
Hopefully, over time, more Hat Head locals will be attracted to join the group. Locals are encouraged to pick any produce even if they are not part of the group.
Maureen Finlay
0490 473 784